longboards with streamlined profiles for speed-A&H Vessels | 5'4" Ulmo Twaddler (Goofy Foot)

Size 5'4"


Length: 5'4"

Nose: 15 1/4"

Width: 20 1/2"

Tail: 16"

Thickness: 2 1/2"

Finish: Sanded Gloss

Color: Purple spray nose / Clear bottom


Pairs Of Twos - A collection of my favorite surfboards over the last two years. Ideas sparked from working with Jimmy Thompson and Kale Cadam. I took a week to focus on building four stock surfboards that most represented what I love about surfing. Four surfboards that are different variations of a twin fin configuration.

"A twin plus double trailer with bamboo glass-ons by Marlon at 101 fins. Stick your favorite pair of upright twins in this one. The speed, carry through, and acceleration make this board suitable for most places around Southern California." - Ashton 


Twin (Futures)